Wednesday 21 March 2012

Being Arrianna's Mummy

Today is World Downs Syndrome Day. Today is a day to Celebrate all the wonderful Characteristics of these special people.

Arrianna was born a year ago and before that i had little to do with Downs Syndrome, i was equipped with the knowledge that i had gain through studying the condition in biology at school, and spending time with children with the condition through work. but very little else. While i was pregnant i didnt know about Arrianna's condition though for most of my pregnancy i was very ill physically and mentally, which was made worse by the stress i was put under at the time, but nothing prepared me for what happened next. Arrianna was diagnosed  officially 4 days after her birth, she had been very poorly before hand and one the fight  to get better. The last year has been very interesting, we have made some wonderful friend and Arrianna has developed in her own way doing things how she wants to do them. She is a wonderful character with a personality which melts even the coldest heart, She has a cuddle for everyone she meets and those who see her regularly get dived at as she remembers those who pick her up and play with her. 

Being her mum i feel very hounoured to have been chosen to be a special mummy, every morning i go to her cot and i am greeted wit a big beaming smile, i love being her Mum i love playing and communicating with her in our own special way. 

To celebrate Downs Syndrome Awareness Day i am putting together a Special Photo Album on her facebook page take a look.


  1. She is so beautiful, terrific post! What is her facebook page under, I'd love to see the photo album that you created. Hugz from Isaac and I.

